Friday, March 23, 2012

How To: Make Bubble Solution

With summer coming, I have been searching for fun CHEAP things to do outside with Eli.

One thing he loves is bubbles!  I bought a bubble blowing machine (powered with rechargeable batteries) that fills the backyard with bubbles - without me having to sit there and blow them all myself.

The first time I used it I realized it could get expensive to refill it every day with store-bought bubble solution ($2 a bottle).  There must be a better way!

I found this recipe to make your own bubble solution - it works great and you can make gallons and gallons of bubble solution for maybe $3!

Mix together gently:

It seems to store well and the bubbles are strong and smell yummy!

I used the recipe found here:

Why I Am Starting A Blog

So I have been thinking about starting my own blog for a while now, and now that I don't have a job, no time like the present!

There have to be millions of blogs out there - why would I want to add to the mix?  I think my life experiences along with my obsession with certain things (I have been known to pick up dirty coupons off the ground in a parking lot) gives me an interesting perspective and will allow me to post of a variety of topics.

I want my blog posts to revolve around a few common themes:

  • Living Frugal (making & using a budget, saving $ where you can, upcycling, coupons!)
  • Living Healthy (making food from scratch, some recipes here and there, gardening)
  • Time Management (especially for working moms - freezer cooking, organizing, balance)
  • Stay at Home Mom versus Working Mom (my experiences with both and my thoughts)
  • Life As A Military Spouse (this will likely include some ranting, sorry)
I'm also looking into becoming a certified financial counselor or planner - and if that works out, I want to post that type of stuff on here too so I can combine one-on-one sessions and group classes with online resources.  I won't hear until July if I am getting the fellowship - fingers crossed!

Plus - I see so many awesome ideas from friends and family - I would love to have some guest posts on here!  Especially if you already have your own blog - let's hook up :-)

Is there anything in particular you would like to see a post about?  Or do you think I have completely lost my mind?  Let me know!